atlannot.notebook.volume_viewer module

Implementation of the VolumeViewer class.

class atlannot.notebook.volume_viewer.VolumeViewer(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: VBox

Widget for plotting 3D volumes.

This widget takes one or multiple brain volumes of the same shape. These volumes are slices along a given axis and the 2D slices are shown in a grid.

Using interactive widgets it is possible to change the axis and the slice index.

  • volumes (dict) – Dictionary with volume titles as keys and the actual volumes as values.

  • rotations (sequence) – A sequence of three integers representing the default rotation along each of the three axes in multiples of 90 degrees. Positive sign corresponds to rotations counter-clockwise.

  • n_columns (int) – The number of columns in the image grid plot.

  • plot_width (float) – The width of the volume plot in inches.